Bayswater Croquet Club

If you are looking for a game or would like to experience croquet for the first time, be sure to give the Bayswater Croquet Club a ring.

A Brief History

The club was founded in 1932 by Mrs Kerr assisted by Mrs Edwards. They first played on the
private courts of Mrs Skipworth and Mrs McLeish.

Sometime during the mid-1930’s the Men’s bowling club was built, and the croquet ladies
were able to rent rooms in their clubhouse with courts next to the bowls. Croquet continued to be played during the war, even though the bowling club had been taken over by the Army.

Lights were provided so that the ladies could play “out of the hot sun”.

During the early 50’s it was felt that there was not enough room at the bowling club, especially after the ladies bowling club commenced, so, in 1955, the Roads Board was approached for a separate clubroom. It was eventually agreed that a building would be provided if the cost could be kept to below 3000 pounds. This was achieved with the use of second-hand windows and doors from an old tennis pavilion and the new clubhouse was opened in April 1961. It is still in use today. Unfortunately, during the building process the lights were removed, and it was not until 1994 that the Council again provided us with lighting so that night play could continue.

Men were permitted to join in 1963!!

Over the years eight members have represented Western Australia at National level, with a
standout player being Mr Bob Harewood who won the ‘British Silver Medal’ in 1983 before
going on to represent Australia on the international scene. Bob passed away in 2007 aged 92. Other players are E. Minchin, T. Hunter, O. Metherall, I. Wardell-Johnson and Dulcie Harewood.

Throughout the years, Bayswater has also been very successful at all levels in our Pennant Competitions

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