Golf Croquet Tactics – Parts 3

(h) what to hit next

  • if you can’t run the hoop, and the next ball to play after you can, block or clear it
  • if neither you or the next ball to play after you can run the hoop, it is useful to hit away their last ball in (it won’t come back immediately and gives you numerical advantage around the hoop)
  • remember “decoy” balls are to distract you from your correct target
  • “sucker” balls are to entice you to clear them, badly.  The ideal sucker ball is close enough that you will shoot at them, but far enough away that you split off into the distance – the sucker ball then comes back before you do…..

(i) jawsing

  • a hoop is a hoop, but jawsing the ball gives you a chance at 2 hoops in a row
  • jawsing with oppo in jumping position or behind the hoop is dangerous, but you need to weigh up their chances of clearing you – and you are likely to then still be in front of the hoop, but they won’t be…
  • jawsing is easier from an angle, rather than from directly in front
  • be aware that jawsing often backfires, so you’re accepting a deliberate risk

(j) jumping

  • don’t rely on jumping, since they can fail – jumps aren’t your first option if you can clear instead
  • practice your jumps, since you will need them – remember that you can jump a blocking ball to clear opponent, not just run hoops (but practice this as well!)
  • jumping is particularly effective on even numbered hoops, since opponent is left in the jaws & not able to play laterally across to the next hoop
  • only jump on even numbered hoops if you are confident that you won’t pump opponent through & give them first ball to the next hoop
  • conversely it is worth having a go on odd numbered hoops, since opponent already has first crack at the next hoop = “no jeopardy”.  It is surprising how often a failed jump, which puts opponent through, still leaves them w/o a shot to next hoop

(k) “1-2”

If opponent has put in a good first ball, it is tempting to try clearing with both of your balls in case you miss.  However a solid tactic is “first ball in, second ball clears”.  The first ball keeps the opponent under pressure if you fail to clear them with your second ball – if they then try for the hoop & fail, you are waiting; so often they opt to clear you, and you can get back into the hoop.  If you have both balls off in the far distance after misses, this won’t happen…

Golf Croquet Tactics - Basic Principles by Peter Freer
Part 1 - Priorities, Position, Maintain pressure on the hoop
Part 2 - Inside/Outside, Use the furniture, Be patient, Play your own game
Part 3 - What to hit next, Jawsing, Jumping, 1-2
Part 4 Don't be surprised, Stymying, Promotion, Running hoops backwards
Part 5 Back Door Play, Playing to the side, More than one thing , In-offs, Bombard, Jump clearances

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