Albany Gomm Park

646 Lower King Rd Albany   Street Map
Postal Address: c/o Lower King Post Office, Lower King Road, Lower King, 6330
Club House Phone: None
Number of Courts: 4 full size, no lights
Playing days: 

  • Mondays from 2pm
  • Wednesday and Saturdays from  9am

Code Played: Golf

Note: Association players are welcome and can use a court if they wish to play by themselves or join in with the Golf Players.

Chairperson:  Kathy Hetherington 0427 211 349
Deputy Chairperson: Nancye Perkins 0427 544 389
Treasurer: Pate Milera 0429 422 149
Secretary: Heather Mills 0427276 602
Club Email:
Captain: Greg Jessop 0427 210 065
Vice Captain: Dawson Beeck 0427029003
Delegate: None