Martin Clarke

This is not a comprehensive list and is evolving as references are found over time, also as new clubs come onto the scene.
Pinjarra being the most recent addition to the website and playing in brown and white.
From the inception of the Western Australian Croquet Association, the clubs had to get approval to have particular colours, this was somewhat ironic as players could only play in white.
The club colour was only used on hat bands, maybe on the club flag and of course in decoration within the clubrooms at functions.
This approval system seems to have been metro-centric in the beginning, probably as country clubs were often unaffiliated and using the colour they preferred, until they sought affiliation and had to change colours to suit what wasn’t taken thus far.
Around the mid eighties this requirement started to peter out and clubs nowadays seem able to choose colours that clash with other clubs.
As clubs start to use more stylish shirts with logo’s and various designs the clubs colours are often diluted.
Some interesting foibles of club colours have emerged, one of my favourites is Subiaco sporting clubs all having the same colour of maroon and gold, yet the croquet clearly records it’s colours as yellow and white at least initially.
It would be nice if one day it could be known why Fremantle changed their colour to the Royal Stuart Tartan!
When a club folded it would often be the case that another club might revert to or accept that colour combination as their own, for instance when Claremont folded in the early 1950’s, East Fremantle were allowed to revert to Brown and Gold!
Pingelly must take the prize for most interesting combination of Pink and Black.
Bridgetown needs to be added to the list, having just been identified as Blue and Gold, the same as Collie, both clubs of course now defunct, the non affiliated club at Rockingham has used Blue and Gold since 1988.
Bassendean | Dark and Light Green 1949 |
Bayswater | Green and Gold 1949 |
Claremont | Gold and Brown 1949 |
Cottesloe | Violet and Gold 1913, Violet, Gold and Black 1949 |
Como | Violet, Gold and White 1949 |
East Fremantle | Gold and Brown 1953, Blue and White 1995, |
Fremantle | Pale Blue and White 1913, Royal Stuart Tartan 1949 |
Gosnells | Rust and Mid Green 1949, Emerald Green, Red and Orange 1971, Red and Green 2019 |
Hollywood | Cyclamen and Blue 1949, Juniper, Navy and White 1966 |
Leederville | Navy and Saxe Blue 1949, Cambridge Blue and Oxford Blue 1971 |
Mt Lawley | Buff, Fawn and Royal Blue 1949 |
Maylands | Red, White and Blue 1949 |
North Perth | Brown and Silver 1909, Two Blues and Brown 1949 |
Nedlands | Brown and Green 1949, Green and White 2015, |
Perth | Light Saxe Blue and White 1949 |
Royal Park | Purple and Gold 1949 |
Subiaco | Yellow and White 1904, Maroon and Gold 1938 |
Swan | Blue and Yellow 1933, Royal Blue and Gold 1949 |
Victoria Park | Royal Blue, Light Blue and Gold 1949 |
Midland Junction | Chocolate and Blue 1910, Black and White 1949 |
Kings Park | Red and Blue |
Victoria | Rose and White |
Oval | Blue and White |
South Fremantle | Red and White 1909 |
Ashburton | Maroon and Green 1957 |
Floreat Park | Saxe Blue and Grey 1955, Baltic Blue and Grey 1971 |
Alexandra | Blue and White 1909 |
Sorrento | Blue and White 2007, Blue and White with Black Swan 2016 |
Cambridge | Blue 2005 |
Bunbury Central | Black and Gold 1949, Black and Blue 1972 |
Yarloop | Red and White 1949 |
Moorabinda | Red and White 1904 |
York | Mauve and Green 1949 |
Geraldton | Tomato Red and Gold 1995 |
Doodlakine | Green and Gold 1933 |
Beverley | Royal Blue and White 1955 |
Kalgoorlie | Blue and Yellow 1908, Blue, Gold and Red 1955 |
Northam | Green and Red 1971 |
Toodyay | Pink and Royal Blue 1962 |
Narrogin | Royal Blue and Gold 1971, Blue and Gold 2019 |
Busselton | Navy Blue and White pre 1971, Navy Blue and Green 1971, Emerald Green and Royal Blue pre 2008, Sea Green and black 2008, Mid Blue, Yellow and Lime Green 2019 |
Albany Gomm Park | Green, Gold and Brown 1984, Turquoise and White 2019 |
Collie | Blue and Gold 1925 |
Albany St Johns | Maroon, Green and Gold 1971 |
Esperance | Cream and Green 1947 |
Katanning | Light Blue and Red 1971 |
Pingelly | Royal Blue and Gold 1971 this was refused by WACA, Pink and Black 1972, |
Dunsborough | Dark Blue and White 1987 |