Marty is updating the match scores on Australia vs England and USA vs Egypt on the Commentary page of Croquetscores.

Marty is updating the match scores on Australia vs England and USA vs Egypt on the Commentary page of Croquetscores.
V.8 now available under “Event Calendar on a Page” containing changes for March, April, and May.
After some unexpected re-organisation, we now have a program of State and National competitions scheduled for 2025.
These will be, chronologically:-
March 29 & 30th WA State Ricochet Open Doubles Championship – Cambridge
May 3rd & 4th WA State Ricochet Open Singles Championship – Como
August 4th – 10th Australian National Ricochet Open Singles and Doubles Championship – Victorian Croquet Centre, Cairnlea
September 27th – 29th Halls Head Spring Carnival. Ricochet Doubles has once again been included as a part of their 3 day event
Also, of course, individual clubs will be holding their own club competitions. Bear in mind that, if you are holding a major Singles competition, each player should have an official handicap and handicap cards should be used over the event. Let me know if you need any assistance here.
I should provide some background to the changes made since our last contact.
March 29th & 30th had been scheduled for the annual Dunsborough Ricochet Doubles, however, they were ‘gazumpted!
The club and surrounds have now been taken over by the XTERRA Asia Pacific Triathlon/Trail Running./Mountain Biking Championship, a major event attracting world wide entries ($300 will buy you an entry into the main triathlon – but you have a chance to win some of the $35,200 prize purse!).
(Here’s a link if you’d like to look at the activities… )
Thankfully, Cambridge stepped in to fill the void, and this meant that we were able to schedule a Ricochet Doubles Championship, with the available 4 lawns. The flyer for this should be out fairly soon. I don’t think we’ll be losing too many potential entrants to EXTERRA.
Arising out of all this, is that Cambridge are also launching a Ricochet session on Tuesday mornings starting on 25th February at 9 am. Ricochet players, both current and aspiring are all encouraged to join in. Beginners will be looked after by experienced players. We therefore now have Ricochet available both North and South of the river although, of course, we’d like plenty of interchange and all are welcome at both venues.
Hopefully this expansion may mean that we’ll have both Dunsborough and State Doubles in the calendar next year.
Please feel free to forward any Ricochet news you would like to pass on regarding your club’s activities and/or achievements.
Regards to all.
Peter Hamilton
A busy weekend for many.
Full results on Croquetscores
Geraldton LP Doubles
Full results on Croquetscores.
Check out more images on Gomm Park’s Facebook pages.
Full Results on Croquetscores.
Full results on Croquetscores.
1st up is USA vs Spain.
Team Captains
Members of the Australian team being presented with their caps by CA President Jim Nicholls.
Follow all the results on Croquetscores.
The second Sunday Singles Advantage Play competition saw Diana Wellby taking first place (7 wins and 1 loss), with Ron Lunt a close second (6 wins, 2 losses).
Full results on Croquetscores.
The Northern Tasmania Croquet Centre is located in the St Leonards Sporting Hub.
A good run down of the recent US GC Open Championship won by Robert Fletcher.