Pennant Results for 2022/23 Season

GC Pennants are over for another season. It was fantastic to see so many players involved.

Thank you to the various clubs for hosting and to John for all of his organising.

A Grade Winners: Forrest Park

B Grade Winners: East Fremantle

C Grade Winners: Forrest Park

Best Players


Brett McHardy                  11/12     Forrest Park

Janine McHardy                10/12     Forrest Park

Peter Hamilton                  6/6        Como                    (special mention)

B Grade

Colin Stewart                     8/10       Belmont               (playing for East Fremantle)

Ed Parravicini                     9/12       Forrest Park

Kerry Loane                        9/12       East Fremantle


Ken Lindorff                        9/10       East Fremantle

Gerry Hunt                          8/10       Forrest Park       

Dale Petherick                   4/4         East Fremantle  (special mention)

Full results can be found on Croquetscores. A Grade B Grade C Grade

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