Around the Courts – 6th February

An interesting weekend on the weather front. Probably a good thing no competitions were timetabled.

The GC Squad did however come together for a weekend of practice with both Higgins and Forrest Park hosting. Both venues are doing a terrific job with their courts and they were a pleasure to play on.

On Saturday, Marty set up 18 different scenarios around the hoops and set us the task of analysing each one individually. It is always interesting when we come back together to learn how other players would tackle each situation. Sure enough, on the Sunday, quite a few of these scenarios popped up in our games. Hopefully over the coming weeks I can figure out a way of sharing some of these with you online. (Marty was very industrious with his use of coloured circles and golf tees so there is always a way.)

On Sunday, we played some doubles games early and then participated in a round robin event that started after Hoop 10 was made. The clear winners were Nola and Chris.

Thanks to Marty for all his efforts in organising the weekend.

It was also a special weekend for Como! From their Facebook page…

Como Croquet Club’s newly renovated lawns 3 & 4 are now ready for play. The lawns were marked by Keith, and the hoops set by Jeff and Alan in the (comparative) cool of early Friday morning. Jeff was first to run a hoop on the new lawns and it bodes well that he ran it cleanly.

The first Club sessions to play on the new lawns will be Saturday 5 February, and it will be a challenge for the hardy members with a forecast summer temperature of 40C.

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